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Friday, December 5, 2014

The Fatigue Solution: How To Increase Your Energy In Eight Easy Steps

Fatigue is the No. 1 complaint I hear from all my coworkers and from myself almost daily, and I believe is most common in women than in men. Most of us are told that is because we are getting older, because we have too much work, because we are having kids, because we are managing the household or because we have horrible nutritional habits... but do we really know what is causing our fatigue?  Fatigue is an illness and there are things we can do to get our energy back.

Here are some steps to boost our energy :
1. Eat iron food.
2. Get enough sleep.
3. Cut back on caffeine ( I know this is not an easy one)
4. Eat fruits and vegetables.
5. Listen to music that promotes your happiness.
6. Be smart when you eat carbs.
7. Go outside... like babies we need to see the light.. the natural light.
8. Walk at least 45 mins everyday.
9. Laugh... smile..when you are happy your energy levels goes up!
10. Take vitamin B6 and B12.
11. Drink water.
12. Think positive.
13. Be grateful... look around you and see all you have and be thankful.
14. Meditate or if you don't believe in meditation do something that connects you with your soul.
15. Give love... giving love will fill you with happiness which intermediately gives you a boost of energy.
16. See some red. ( Seeing the fiery color makes your muscles move faster and work harder, giving you a burst of energy when you need it most, according to University of Rochester research)
17. Stretch your body.
18. Exercise.

Try to do everything that is natural to boost your energy... don't add things or chemicals to your body that will give you an instant boost and will create an addiction in your system. Be smart.. it might take more time but the natural way is always the right way.


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